Sunday, January 27, 2013

Step by Step Takara Tomy English Beast Saga Rules Translation

This is a step by step translation of the rules included in the starter sets.

Before the Dice Battle

Deck Construction- Select 3 Beasts from your own Beast army!
   Choose 3 Beast figures with their corresponding cards and Battle Lots (Emblem Dice)
   Add the total of the 3 Beasts' Magic Lot values from the face of the cards. Select a number of Magic Lot  Dice equal to the total.

Setting the Field- 1. Place the Battle Lot into the corresponding Beast and place Beast figures in the marked "Beast Area" on the Battle Mat.
2. Place Magic Lot into the "Magic Lot area" on the Battle Mat.
3. Place all cards in the "Card Area" on the Battle Mat in an upright position.

How to Play

Decide who attacks first- After setting up the Dice Battle Area, play Rock, Scissors, Paper to decide the first attacker.
Target Phase
-Choose a Beast from your side as the attacker and tap the card.
-A left tap is a normal attack, a right tap uses the Beast's Special Ability (where applicable)
*Full details of Special Attacks are printed at the bottom of the cards.
-Next, choose which of your opponent's beasts is the target of your attack.
*Opponent taps corresponding Beast Card.

Battle Lot Phase
-Place the Beasts in the Battle Area, count down "3,2,1 BEAST FIGHT!" and shoot the Battle Lot at the same time.
-Compare Battle Lot values.
*If it is a tie, shoot again.
-Confirm Battle Lot value and place it in the "B" area on the Battle Mat.

Magic Lot Phase
-The player with the lower Battle Lot value chooses 1 Magic Lot from their "Magic Lot Area" and shoots.
-If it lands with an emblem facing up it is a success, if there is no emblem it is a failure.
*In these situations look carefully to choose the most effective Magic Lot!
-Confirm the magic Lot value and place it in the "M" area on the battle Mat.
-Next the player with the higher Battle Lot value chooses 1 Magic Lot from their "Magic Lot Area" and shoots.
-If it lands with an emblem facing up it is a success, if there is no emblem it is a failure.
*In these situations look carefully to choose the most effective Magic Lot!
-Confirm the magic Lot value and place it in the "M" area on the battle Mat.
-The player with the higher combined Battle Lot  and Magic Lot value is the winner!
-If the Beast's Emblem appears, that player wins!
*However, if the opponent uses the Magic Lot "mirror", the attack is returned and the opponent wins!

End Phase
-The Winner replaces the Battle Lot and the Beast to the "Beast Area" and untaps the card. Used Magic Lot are placed into the "Drop Area" on the Battle Mat.
-The Loser places Battle Lot, Beast figure, Card, and used Magic Lot into the "Drop Area" of the Battle Mat.
*The Winning Beast can continue in battling, the Losing Beast cannot.

Turn End
-It is the opponent's turn. Repeat all steps.

Repeat until one player defeats all the opponent's Beasts!

Translation Notes- I tried to follow the flow of the rules as close as possible. I did flavor the text a bit to accommodate elements of the accompanying artwork and I cut any of the direct mentions of the sample battle shown. I may be able to answer some questions in the comments and I am working on translating the Q&A Ver. 1.5, which should have about everything. Again, if I see some interest I will try to do full card texts. Also, as usual, all material is copyright of Takara Tomy. This is purely for fun and to help other dorks like myself enjoy these little plastic beasties. Thanks for reading!  

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Beast Saga set names

There have been some interesting takes on the names of the starter sets, some pretty close and some WAY off. Figured I would clean some of them up.

BS-01 Earth Kingdom Gloria- Lioger, Big Serow and Geedam
BS-02  Sea Army Death Heart- Killer Shark, Coelence and Pirazon
BS-03 Sky Warriors Holy Nation of Soara- Captain Eagle, Falcan and Bundotto
BS-20 Earth, Sea and Sky Deluxe Starter Set- Wolfin, Leoparmint, Don Whale, Olrich, Owlmighty and Rainbow Sam
BS-21 Goldar, Worthy Rival of Earth- Goldar, Jyan Jyan and Shianbi

In the manga, the Death Heart are pirates and Goldar, longtime rival and friend of King Lioger, has betrayed his king and made a deal with Killer Shark. I love that even within the groupings of earth, sea and sky there are different factions and rivalries. If this blog ever gets any traffic I may do some translations.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thoughts on Beast Saga name translations part one

I know there are myriad English translations of the names for the Beast Saga characters floating around, and I figured I would toss in my two cents on some of it. A ton of sites have huge errors in the readings of katakana, making the used version WAY off base. Not sure why, but I can't get this blog to display the Japanese, so bear with me on that.

Lioger- The Japanese pronunciation has the full vowel host from lion in the lio- and the tail  -ger from tiger. Many of the auto-translation programs immediately want to interpret the long 'o' as an 'or', hence many of the sites listing things like 'Liorgre'. So the best translation of sound is " lie- oh- ger", a bit for English speakers to get their mouths around, but perfectly fine for Japanese speakers that are used to vowel combos like these.

Bunicus- This is the one that catches me most. A proper reading would be "ba-ni-ki-su"The usual I have seen in 'Panikusu', and there are clearly some reading errors. The diacritics on the first are the dakuten, giving a 'b' value, not the handakuten that would give the 'p' value. This may be from attempts at reading a poor scan of the Japanese writing. Also, the third katakana is 'ki', not a 'ku'. I kinda like the slightly Roman sound to it so I have done the spelling accordingly.

Dolphan, Falcan- both of these are pretty simple vowel swaps. To get close to the Japanese version of the names really over enunciate the new vowels.

Aladile- another mash up of English words with more vowels present that online translators want to give. I have seen Aldile a few times, but without any vowel sound between the 'l'and 'd' the mix of Alligator and crocodile is a little lost.

These are just a few of my thoughts, maybe if I see some interest I will go through more. I am just a white dude from the boondocks living in Japan, but I figured I would try to get some closer translations in case these never get an American release.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Magic Lot and Special Abilities Translations

These are the current Magic Lot effects. There are 2 levels, level one is opaque and level two is translucent. Level two has more of the emblems for each magic lot than their level one counterparts, making them more effective.
Number Bonus- Pretty simple, the blue Magic Lot with numbers add that total to the Battle Lot. When both Player's Magic Lots are numbers, this is the most common route. Now, there are +3, +4, +5 and the rare +6.

Mirror-This is the black die with the hexagon shape. If an opponent has their Beast Emblem as their Battle Lot, it can be reflected by mirror, sending the unbeatable attack back. ( I am still trying to figure out if you can mirror a mirrored attack.)
Doping( as near as I can translate)-This is the orange die with the arrows. This lets the player use up all of the numerical Magic Lots in one shot. Add up all numbers in the Magic Lot Area and dump the dice in the drop area.Magic Phase part 2

Break-The black die with the three broken pieces. This one negates any effect of the opponent's Magic Lot.

Change- The yellow die with the monster yin yang shape. Trade battle lot value with the opponent.
Reverse-Pink die with the arrow on a cube shape. Take the opponents Battle lot and physically flip it over to the opposite face.

Inverse-Blue die with the arrow on a cube shape. Take your Battle Lot and physically flip it over to the opposite face.

Join-Green die with a cube with two arrows. Add the value of the opposite face of your Battle Lot to the showing value. If the opposite is the emblem, there is no effect.

 Special Abilities

Some of the cards, like the ones with the blind boxed clear figures, have an extra ability that can be used once per game. Tap the card so the gold edge is up to indicate this. There are a bunch of different effects. I don't have all of the cards, but here are the ones I have:
Goldar (the tiger) Burst: In this battle, if the opponent has their emblem as their Battle lot, it counts as a (0)

Pirazon (phirrana): In this battle (0) on the Battle Lot counts as a (9)

Don Whale: if your opponent uses their special ability, your Battle Lot receives +3

Tarrock(turtle): if your opponent shoots a Magic Lot, their Battle lot is reduced -5.

Dolphan(dolfin): if your opponent shoots their emblem, make them reshoot one time.

Coelence(coelacanth): place 3 Magic Lot from your Drop Area back into your Magic Lot Area

Olrich(orca): if your opponent shoots their emblem, physically flip the Battle Lot over to the other side.

Aladile(alligator): if you shoot a (0), you may reshoot one time.

Rainbow Sam(parrot): if you shoot a (3), you may exchange Battle Lot values with your opponent.

Bametto (swallow) Burst: you may reshoot your Magic Lot once.

Moreek(bat): in this battle your Battle Lot is +3.

Bundotto (pigeon): on your turn as attacker, your opponent cannot use special abilities.

Owlmighty(owl):  you may use the special ability of any Beast in your Beast Area.

Falcan(falcon): on your turn as attacker your Battle Lot is +2.

Rynas(rhino) burst: In this battle, a(1) counts as a (9).

Lioger(lion)burst: in this battle, a (1) counts as an emblem.

Leoparmint(black panther): in your opponents attack turn your Battle Lot is +3.

Bunnicus(rabbit) burst: if your opponent shoots their emblem, make them reshoot one time.

Geedam(hamster): you may discard your Magic Lot result and double your Battle Lot result.

Big Serow(deer): in this battle, (2) counts as (8).

Wolfen (the wolf): if there are no more Beasts in your Beast Area, place all Magic Lot from your Drop Area into your Magic Lot Area

Captain Eagle Burst: In this battle subtract 2 from the opponent's battle lot.

Beast Saga rules translation portal

This is a basic overview of the rules for the Beast Saga dice game for any English speakers that want to play but can't read the Japanese. If anyone finds errors in the translation, let me know!
Also, all content is copyright Takara Tomy, I am just putting this out for fun.
On the homepage of this blog, I have the step by step rules from the starter set, translations of some of the cards and general discussion of the Beast Saga line. I hope this helps!